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Colorado Homicide Wrongful Death Attorney

Denver Murder Lawsuit Attorney

Lawyers in Colorado for Wrongful Death Murder and Homicide Cases

Most wrongful death cases involve situations where a person was killed accidentally as the result of another person's negligence. For example, fatal car accidents are usually attributed to drivers who disobeyed traffic laws or acted recklessly but did not intend to hurt anyone. However, there are some cases in which a person may be killed intentionally by someone else. In cases where a person committed murder or where a victim was killed because of actions that were serious enough to warrant homicide charges, family members will need to determine the steps they can take to recover compensation for their losses.

If your family has been affected by a tragic loss that occurred because of criminal conduct, an experienced wrongful death attorney at Colorado Wrongful Death Lawyer, A Division of The Gold Law Firm can help you determine your options for pursuing a lawsuit against the person or persons who were responsible. A wrongful death suit can ensure that your family can achieve justice for your lost loved one. The damages that can be recovered in such a case can provide some much-needed financial relief and help you move forward following your loss. This can also make sure the person who was responsible for the death will be held accountable for the harm they have done to your family.

Wrongful Death Damages in Homicide Cases

A wrongful death claim is a civil lawsuit that is handled differently than a criminal prosecution. When a person is charged with homicide, a prosecutor will need to meet a high burden of proof and provide evidence showing that the person is guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. The standards of evidence are lower in civil cases, and a plaintiff will usually need to demonstrate that the defendant was more likely than not to have been responsible for causing the victim's death.

During a wrongful death lawsuit, a victim's surviving family members will seek compensation for the damages they have suffered. There are multiple types of damages that may be available in wrongful death lawsuits, but they will usually be grouped into economic damages and non-economic damages. Economic or financial damages may include the victim's lost earnings, the costs of the person's funeral and burial, and the loss of financial support the family would have received from the victim, such as income, benefits, and services. Non-economic damages are more difficult to quantify, but they may include the victim's pain and suffering, the loss of companionship and guidance that they would have provided to their family, and the mental anguish family members have experienced due to their loss.

In Colorado, there is no limit on the amount of economic damages that can be recovered in a wrongful death case, and a family may be fully compensated for all of their financial losses. The state's laws do place a cap on the amount of non-economic damages. As of 2022, this limit is $613,760, and it is adjusted every two years based on inflation. However, in cases that involved a "felonious killing," the cap on non-economic damages does not apply. This means that if a person was convicted of or pled guilty to charges of first-degree murder, second-degree murder, or manslaughter, additional compensation may be available to family members that they would otherwise not have been able to receive.

Contact Our Denver, Colorado Wrongful Death Lawyers for Murder or Homicide

If someone you love has been killed because of another person's criminal conduct, you may be able to pursue compensation through a wrongful death lawsuit. The attorneys at Colorado Wrongful Death Lawyer, A Division of The Gold Law Firm have experience handling these types of cases, and we can help you seek the damages that you and your family are entitled to. Contact us today at 303-694-4653 for a free consultation. We can help you understand your legal rights and options, and we will fight tirelessly to get the justice your family deserves.

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